Saturday, September 20, 2008



English, i have seen a lot in English. I am where i am right now because of English. To begin with, i always been a good student of English since the early stages of Primary school. I obtained second class in English langauge in my Primary Leaving Examination. When i got to secondary school, English continued to be the i perfomed best in and i got a second class yet again in my Junior Certificate exam. Not bad huh! I went to Senior secondary school and still perfomed better i would say because there were times where i would top the class. I was convinced that i am too good in English until the final exam. I just don't know what happened but for sure something happened. I got all nervous and confused n the exam room. After the exam i knew i had not well but expected a good grade. I was so wrong, when the results came out, English was the worst with an E. I could not believe it, English of all the subjects. I had to shift from my dream carrer and consider something else. ENGLISH...